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Warranty conditions

All products are under the manufacturer's warranty unless stated otherwise. In order for the warranty conditions to be valid, be sure to check the product during cargo delivery. When you see a damage, keep a record and do not get the product. Changes made to the product, deformation of the product, or damage to the original design of the product are not covered by the warranty.

Product Return Conditions

You can return all products that have not lost their resellability (no signs of use, washing, stains, dry cleaning, perfume, etc.).

To initiate the return process, you must contact us via our WhatsApp number +90544 104 21 08 within 7 days from the delivery date of the product you purchased through our site and receive the code for the return. You can deliver the product to the cargo company with the return code we will give you. If the ordered product error occurred due to customer use or if the product was used within 5 days, the product will not be refunded.

Your refund payments will be made within 30 days after your products reach us.

All the shipping costs for returns belong to the Customer.